About us

Our kennel is located in the beautiful Upper Palatinate – Floß (Bavaria). The property is in a secluded idyllic location, connected to the Girnitzer Bach, meadows and forests. The property covers an area of 8,000 square meters, where our dogs have plenty of fun and exercise.
We got the idea for our kennel name from the brook running next to the property, which is directly connected to the “Doost” nature reserve. A few word games led to the name “Brookrock”. This gave us the perfect name for our Labrador Retriever kennel. Our kennel name is registered and protected by the VRZ (Vereinigte Rasse-Züchter e. V.).


Mobile: +171 833 70 26

I have always been involved with dogs since I was a child.
I started my professional dog career in sled dog sport at the age of 20. I had an average of 30 huskies of my own in my kennel and drove very successfully from race to race.

Due to the close bond with my pack of dogs, I was able to learn a lot about the behavior and social behavior of dogs. My kennel has won five European and four world championship titles as well as several German championship titles in various classes.

After my sporting career, my enthusiasm turned to the Bull and Molosser breeds. In turn, I used my many years of experience for breeding and training and was quickly able to achieve great success with my dogs. Be it in the training of protection dogs, the training of show dogs and their various show successes or the breeding of healthy and temperamentally sound family dogs.

Continuous further training is part of my job: over the years, I have been able to build up the necessary skills and qualifications to qualify as a dog trainer in accordance with Section 11 of the Animal Welfare Act (TierSchG). As a character assessor for dogs in accordance with the State Criminal and Ordinance Act (LStVG, Art. 18), I also carry out character tests for listed dogs and dogs with behavioral problems. My tasks also include the official confiscation of aggressive confiscated dogs.


Mobile: +176 705 318 46

I have been fascinated by dogs since I was a child. As a teenager, I worked as a caregiver at an animal shelter. My parents’ home didn’t allow me to have my own dog, so I spent every spare minute with the four-legged friends from the animal shelter. After my apprenticeship and in my own home, I fulfilled my dream of having my own dog. From then on, I spent every free minute at the dog training ground and learned the first tricks of dog training. That’s when my real dog career began. After the development and training of my first dog was complete, I got myself a second dog – a real all-rounder – the Labrador Retriever bitch Hummel.
I took every opportunity to expand my knowledge at various types of courses and seminars and passed the dog trainer exam according to §11 Animal Welfare Act (TierSchG) & the paragraph for dog breeding in September 2022.
I particularly enjoy preparing the puppies for the life ahead of them, which is why I am mainly responsible for rearing, entertaining and pre-training our puppies. The little ones get to experience a lot with me!

I have been practicing dummy work with MadMax & Hummel since 2023. 

Reebooks Kennel

My professional dog career in sled dog sport began when I was just under 20 years old. I had an average of 30 huskies of my own in my kennel and drove very successfully from race to race. Due to the close relationship with my dog pack and the breeding of my own dogs, I was able to learn a lot about the behavior, breeding and social behavior of dogs. This sport was about seconds. The better the training, the handling of the dogs and, of course, the food, the greater the success. It was a constant pondering on how to breed better and more effectively and how to improve the training. The big question: How can I make it more pleasant for the dogs so that they go to work full of joy and energy? It was a very intensive and interesting time working with dogs. My kennel won five European and four world championship titles as well as several German championship titles in various classes.

De la Guardia

After my 15-year career as a sporting sled dog, in 1999 my enthusiasm turned to the Bull and Molosser breeds. During my sled dog days, I always had two Dogo Canario dogs, which were used as guard dogs. After a short time, I began to breed Dogo Canario and train them as guard dogs. Again, I used my many years of experience for breeding and training and was quickly able to achieve great success with my dogs. Here, too, we traveled from event to event and did well in protection competitions. Looking back, that was my most instructive time, which gave me a lot of knowledge about dogs and also about dangerous dogs.

Reebooks Kennel 2.0

At an event I saw a miniature bull terrier that caught my eye because of his looks and his funny nature. I immediately set out to organize a Mini. Again, I started breeding relatively quickly and the time of the Dogo Canario was history. I stopped breeding the Spanish Mastiffs and only focused on the Minis. After two years of breeding, I managed to breed a fantastically beautiful bitch with whom I attended every major dog show. I went to everything from the World Dog Show to Crufts. I also wanted to shine in the motherland of the bull terrier and traveled to England very often to win a lot of shows. My greatest success was in England. There I won the title “BOS” at Crufts. It was a great feeling knowing that the whole bull terrier world was watching. However, I soon realized that the Miniature Bull Terriers had too many health problems, which is why I stopped breeding them.


While I was still breeding miniature bull terriers, I became fascinated by bulldogs. Here, too, the biggest issue was health, which is why I founded a breeding club with a few colleagues. The Exotic Bulldog Club e.v., which was dedicated to breeding healthy bulldogs. We tried to create our own breed from various breeds and lines. So I bred bulldogs for several years. The laws and the constant topic of fighting dogs made me decide to stop breeding Bulldogs.
However, during the whole miniature bull terrier and bulldog period, I already had Labradors that constantly accompanied me in my work as a dog trainer. For this work, I needed a robust and obedient dog that would enjoy the work even in bad weather.
Somehow in my dog career I always felt the need to compete and my incentive was to be among the best. Now I have reached a point where I have not lost the joy of breeding but my focus has changed. For me it is now only important to breed healthy Labradors with good character and beautiful looks without having to compete. Now I am stuck with a fantastic and versatile breed
Phone: +49 171 833 70 26
Phone: +49 171 833 70 26
Brookrock Labradors - Bergnetsreuth 1 - 92685 Floß
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